As the world turns

I remember as young child my mother used to watch the soap opera “As the World Turns”.  While carefully ironing and folding the family laundry, she tuned in to watched the dirty laundry of others unfold. She was captivated by the drama and chaos, while knowing that she was safe and secure in her own home.

After years of watching her show Mom began relating to the characters as more that just actors. The lines between fantasy and reality were blurred during the one hour show. As the plot thickened, so too did her attachment to the outcome.

It is not unlike the events surrounding us today. We tune into the news and watch the drama and chaos taking place in the world outside. However, this is not a soap opera and many are left wondering how safe and secure they really are.

“Use caution when allowing negative words and ideas from others into your home through media or literature. This negativity will lower the vibration and cripple the spirit through fear.”- The White Angels

Perhaps the answer is in observing without attachment. Distinguishing between what is being reported by the media and what is actually happening in our individual lives is something to consider. Remaining centered and calm amidst the storm, even when outside circumstances are chaotic insures inner peace in time of outer turmoil. Continue reading



Ziggy Marley made famous the quote, “Love Is My Religion”.  

The Beatles simply stated “All You Need Is Love”.

In his song Here to Love, Lenny Kravitz wrote;

“We’re not here to judge

We are here to love

There’s no room for hate

We are just one human race

We must rise above

We are here to love

There’s no time to waste anymore.”


So why do we as humans find it so hard to love ourselves and others? The first two commands are all about love. We find in Matthew 22:37-40 The following quote by Jesus,

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Continue reading

Yin and Yang-Finding Balance

The ancient yin yang symbol represents harmony and balance in nature. The contrasting black, (yin) and white, (yang) remind us that everything in nature is dualistic.  This philosophy dates back more than 3,500 years ago to the I Ching or Book of Changes, which greatly influenced Taoism and Confucianism.

The dualistic principles of yin and yang come in pairs, for example, dark and light, hot and cold, male and female, sun and moon to name a few. These opposing forces of energy must co-exist in order to create harmony.  Nothing is completely yin or yang and as a result, there must be a flow in order to achieve balance.

“The universe is the harmony of opposites, because there is no water without fire, there is no female with no male, there is no night without day, there is no sun without the moon…there is no good without evil! This symbol is perfect since the white and black are embracing each other; inside the white there is a black point and inside the black there is a white point.” -Tiziano Terzani

So how do we balance the yin and yang in our lives?  Time appears to be moving faster than ever and for many people life seems to fly by.  Too often we become stressed and overtaxed by our schedules and not able to meet the demands placed upon us. Stress wreaks havoc on our bodies causing fatigue, increased inflammation, lack of sleep, and a weakened immune system for starters.

We can re-establish balance in our lives by taking time to nourish and nurture ourselves. These are my top five favorite ways to restore, replenish, and bring harmony to my body, mind and soul.

  1. Earthing– Stand outside on Mother Earth with bare feet. Earthing is the process of absorbing earths free flowing electrons from it’s surface through the soles of your feet. It is a very effect way to ground.   (See my blog post on grounding for more info.)
  2. Connect with Nature–  Take a walk on the beach, watch the hummingbirds in your backyard, garden, go hiking. Nature is a natural anti-depresant.
  3. Meditate– Spend some alone time in silence. Quiet your mind from all of the Chitta Vritti Nirodha (mind chatter). Focus on your breath, a mantra or the flame of a candle. Give you mind a rest and feel the peace and calm that comes with meditation.
  4. Move your body- It is important to get the chi/prana flowing through your body so make sure you move at least 10-15 minutes a day. My personal favorite is Yin Yoga along with a hike in nature. This combination puts me right again!
  5. Sleep– Getting enough sleep is essential in maintaining overall wellness. If you have difficulty sleeping, begin your bedtime routine earlier and include a warm bath with lavender aromatherapy oil and epson salts. Just before bed listen to Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep). You can find Yoga Nidra Guided Sleep Meditations on Youtube.

“Through constant and loving care by daily cleansing, eating high-vibrational foods, drinking an abundance of water and moving the body, the body temple will vibrate at the highest frequency, allowing the soul to expand, grow and accomplish wonderful things.” The White Angels

The only true path to harmony in our lives is through balance. Finding the yin and yang, by nurturing our body, mind and soul allows us to live a happier, healthier and more abundant life.

Read Ani’s Book, From Stilettos To Wings

The Multiplicity of Angels

Angels are magnificent light beings too numerous to count. These divine messengers of God vibrate to the frequency of unconditional love.  The German philosopher, theologian and mystic Meister Eckhart once said that the angels outnumber the grains of sand on the earth.

“A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him; thousands thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him”. Daniel 7:10

The Bible refers to “myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands of angels”.  The Greek word for myriads can be translated as tens of thousands, a number that challenges our imagination.  Imagine the cosmos filled with myriads of angels…how divine! Continue reading

Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Spring is in the air and with it comes fresh starts and new beginnings. You can actually feel the shift take place on the first day of spring, the Vernal Equinox. Suddenly we have more energy, a new outlook on life. Some of us begin the ritual of spring cleaning, going through our closets and drawers and getting rid of unloved items.

I am reminded of the episode on the Gilmore Girls when Emily Gilmore decides to get rid of everything that no longer brings her joy. Standing in her living room with piles of beautiful clothing stacking up she turns to her daughter Lorelai and says ” If it brings you joy you keep it, and if it doesn’t it goes out.”

How many of our belongings truly make us happy? Maybe it is time to channel our inner Emily Gilmore and keep only those things that really bring us joy. And it doesn’t just apply to material things. How many jobs or relationships have you held onto for too long?

When we throw out or better yet, donate items that no longer make our heart sing, we create space in our home. The same holds true when we tackle internal house cleaning. By letting go of any grudges, old beliefs and unprocessed negative emotions, we create space for more goodness in our lives. Continue reading

10 Steps to Happiness

Happiness is a choice. It is a decision that we make moment by moment. Lasting happiness does not come from a car, home, job, lover, or any external influences. True happiness comes from within, not without.

The White Angels give the following ten steps to happiness.

Ten Steps to Happiness

1. Wake each day in gratitude and go to sleep each night giving thanks.

2. Take time to go within by sitting in silent meditation.

3. Talk to God, (even if you don’t know how).

4. Do something for someone else without any thought of receiving in return. Giving to others cleanses the spirit and removes ego’s grip.

5. Raise your vibration. Think positive thoughts, (your thoughts create your reality).

6. Eat healthy food. Food should be used to bring
nutrients to the body not pleasure to the mind.

7. Move the body by doing something you love.

8. Socialize. Meet like-minded people.

9. Laugh. Don’t take life too seriously (it will be over before you know it!).

10. Decide to be happy. It is a conscious choice.

The fact is, we are solely in charge of our own happiness. It is no one’s responsibility to make us or keep us happy. If we give our power to others expecting happiness in return we will certainly be disapointed. It is true that happiness will not come to you, it can only come from you.

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”-Marcus Aurelius

To read more messages from The White Angels order my book From Stilettos to Wings. Now available at or


Not My Lesson

Not My Lesson

Lately the angels have been teaching me a very important lesson. Whenever I am tempted to get involved with someone’s drama, or take on their problems, they simply remind me , “Ani it is not your lesson”.

We each have our own struggles and difficulties to overcome in this lifetime. Our souls agree to undertake these challenges as a learning and growing experience during our life. Prior to our incarnation, we contract with loved ones, friends and even strangers to help teach us how to love and forgive one another.  However, we must decipher when it is and isn’t our lesson to learn.

The White Angels share the following:

“The soul’s journey is a difficult one filled with many lessons.  Each lesson is determined by the soul so that it might reach its full potential and once again return to God. The most important lesson for every soul is that of forgiveness and unconditional love.  Continue reading

‘Tis the Season

December is a joyful time of giving and sharing.  It is also the time of year that is most associated with angels. Angels are everywhere! They appear on cards and hang as ornaments on our trees. We sing carols about them and make sugar cookies shaped like them. But do you believe angels exist? Continue reading

Living in gratitude.


The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude is a foolproof way to happiness. By focusing on our abundant blessings, we leave little room to complain about what we are lacking.

Love and Gratitude

In his book Messages from Water and Universe, Dr. Masaru Emoto found that the words love and gratitude were the most powerful when used in his experiments with water molecules. These two words completely transformed the water molecules into brilliant and beautiful shapes.

As an explanation of this phenomena, Dr. Emoto wrote,” God created the concept of love; and as a representation of the receiving energy, He created the concept of gratitude.  So, love is the active energy and gratitude is the passive receiving energy.”

Law of attraction Continue reading

The White Angels (in Croatia)

This summer I had the great fortune to travel to Croatia for 16 days.  I spent seven days on a beautiful yacht with 30 amazing Goddesses and the remainder I spent exploring Croatia and the surrounding countries by myself. I was slightly apprehensive traveling alone since it was really the first time I had done so. I found that I had nothing to worry about as my angels were with me 24-7 and they constantly let me know through synchronicities and signs.

One such synchronicities happened in the city of Dubrovnik. This incredible city joined the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites in 1979.  The thick stone walls surrounding the city for centuries have protected it from intruders, but it was not until the “Homeland War” in 1991 with the break-up of Yugoslavia that the walls and the city were torn apart by the war. Since that time Dubrovnik has rebuilt and re-emerged as one of the top tourist destinations in the Mediterranean.

Staying in the heart of the walled city proved to be extremely convenient. I could explore the maze of ancient streets rich in history before any of the cruise ship crowds descended like a swarm of bees buzzing with anticipation. Much of my exploration consisted of searching out any and all sacred and religious sites. Dubrovnik is a treasure trove of churches and historic buildings, a walking museum. I discovered the oldest pharmacy in Europe (built by local monks) that opened in 1317 and is still operating today.

One day I came upon a Serbian Orthodox Church called the Holy Annunciation. Entering the church was like stepping into a time capsule. A gilded wall of gold with a stunning mural of the last supper painted above it was the main attraction. Byzantine angels and paintings of Christ lined the walls. I closed my eyes and tuned into the vibration of the room saying a silent prayer to God. I thanked the angels for their guidance and protection and on my trip and expressed my eternal love and gratitude. I asked if they would let me know they were near.  Continue reading