As the world turns

I remember as young child my mother used to watch the soap opera “As the World Turns”.  While carefully ironing and folding the family laundry, she tuned in to watched the dirty laundry of others unfold. She was captivated by the drama and chaos, while knowing that she was safe and secure in her own home.

After years of watching her show Mom began relating to the characters as more that just actors. The lines between fantasy and reality were blurred during the one hour show. As the plot thickened, so too did her attachment to the outcome.

It is not unlike the events surrounding us today. We tune into the news and watch the drama and chaos taking place in the world outside. However, this is not a soap opera and many are left wondering how safe and secure they really are.

“Use caution when allowing negative words and ideas from others into your home through media or literature. This negativity will lower the vibration and cripple the spirit through fear.”- The White Angels

Perhaps the answer is in observing without attachment. Distinguishing between what is being reported by the media and what is actually happening in our individual lives is something to consider. Remaining centered and calm amidst the storm, even when outside circumstances are chaotic insures inner peace in time of outer turmoil. Continue reading

The Multiplicity of Angels

Angels are magnificent light beings too numerous to count. These divine messengers of God vibrate to the frequency of unconditional love.  The German philosopher, theologian and mystic Meister Eckhart once said that the angels outnumber the grains of sand on the earth.

“A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him; thousands thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him”. Daniel 7:10

The Bible refers to “myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands of angels”.  The Greek word for myriads can be translated as tens of thousands, a number that challenges our imagination.  Imagine the cosmos filled with myriads of angels…how divine! Continue reading

The Light Within

The Light Within

Have you ever been around someone that just lights up a room? They illuminate a conversation and people are energetically drawn to them like a magnet.  They have reached higher levels of self awareness and elude a confidence that is without ego. They are a bright light.

You are all beautiful souls that are here to express your individuality. Each one of us is filled with divine light that burns brighter than the noon day sun. Unfortunately, some have forgotten their true identity and the light within is merely a flicker. Like a precious diamond that is covered by mud, these souls cover their light with negative thoughts and emotions.

“Each of you are a spark of light from Source.  Each spark is as individual as a snowflake. The soul is born of God and eventually returns to God. Each soul spark is born into a physical body, but the veil of knowledge masks your true identity causing you to forget you are a spark of God, a powerful co-creator with the Divine.” -The White Angels

Become a beacon of light to others Continue reading