As the world turns

I remember as young child my mother used to watch the soap opera “As the World Turns”.  While carefully ironing and folding the family laundry, she tuned in to watched the dirty laundry of others unfold. She was captivated by the drama and chaos, while knowing that she was safe and secure in her own home.

After years of watching her show Mom began relating to the characters as more that just actors. The lines between fantasy and reality were blurred during the one hour show. As the plot thickened, so too did her attachment to the outcome.

It is not unlike the events surrounding us today. We tune into the news and watch the drama and chaos taking place in the world outside. However, this is not a soap opera and many are left wondering how safe and secure they really are.

“Use caution when allowing negative words and ideas from others into your home through media or literature. This negativity will lower the vibration and cripple the spirit through fear.”- The White Angels

Perhaps the answer is in observing without attachment. Distinguishing between what is being reported by the media and what is actually happening in our individual lives is something to consider. Remaining centered and calm amidst the storm, even when outside circumstances are chaotic insures inner peace in time of outer turmoil. Continue reading

Love is an inside job

There are many types of love and ways to express it. The love between a parent and child, partners, friendship, even the love we have for our animals are some of the ways we love.

Some say that until you have loved and lost, you have never really known love at all. Unfortunately, most of us love with conditions attached. Most of us have forgotten the true meaning of love.

In his book The Divine Romance Paramahansa Yogananda says the following, “The greatest romance you can have is the romance with God…He is the Lover and our souls are the beloved, and when the soul meets the greater lover of the universe, then the eternal romance begins.”  Continue reading