The Light Within

The Light Within

Have you ever been around someone that just lights up a room? They illuminate a conversation and people are energetically drawn to them like a magnet.  They have reached higher levels of self awareness and elude a confidence that is without ego. They are a bright light.

You are all beautiful souls that are here to express your individuality. Each one of us is filled with divine light that burns brighter than the noon day sun. Unfortunately, some have forgotten their true identity and the light within is merely a flicker. Like a precious diamond that is covered by mud, these souls cover their light with negative thoughts and emotions.

“Each of you are a spark of light from Source.  Each spark is as individual as a snowflake. The soul is born of God and eventually returns to God. Each soul spark is born into a physical body, but the veil of knowledge masks your true identity causing you to forget you are a spark of God, a powerful co-creator with the Divine.” -The White Angels

Become a beacon of light to others Continue reading

Create Heaven Now

We Create Our Reality

I have been giving much thought to the world around me lately. It doesn’t seem to match up to the world I hear about from others. I don’t read the newspaper or watch the news (something I gave up many years ago). Some might accuse me of living in a bubble, and I say amen to that.

You see, the reality is that we create our own reality.  God has given us the power to create through our thoughts and words. How often do we think of the negative instead of the positive, or say things we  really don’t mean? Continue reading

March Full Moons

March brings us two full moons. This is the second time this has occurred this year, (January also had a Blue Moon). A Blue Moon is when two full moons occur in a single calendar month. Blue Moons are very auspicious and magnify the energy of the first full moon.

Full moons occur when the sun is opposite the moon. Full moons heighten our sensitivities and emotions, bringing to the surface emotions that no longer serve us, so that we can release and let go.  Continue reading