Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Spring is in the air and with it comes fresh starts and new beginnings. You can actually feel the shift take place on the first day of spring, the Vernal Equinox. Suddenly we have more energy, a new outlook on life. Some of us begin the ritual of spring cleaning, going through our closets and drawers and getting rid of unloved items.

I am reminded of the episode on the Gilmore Girls when Emily Gilmore decides to get rid of everything that no longer brings her joy. Standing in her living room with piles of beautiful clothing stacking up she turns to her daughter Lorelai and says ” If it brings you joy you keep it, and if it doesn’t it goes out.”

How many of our belongings truly make us happy? Maybe it is time to channel our inner Emily Gilmore and keep only those things that really bring us joy. And it doesn’t just apply to material things. How many jobs or relationships have you held onto for too long?

When we throw out or better yet, donate items that no longer make our heart sing, we create space in our home. The same holds true when we tackle internal house cleaning. By letting go of any grudges, old beliefs and unprocessed negative emotions, we create space for more goodness in our lives. Continue reading

Archangel Raguel

Archangel RaguelFriend of God” is known as the angel of friendship. He watches over the behavior of the angels, guardian angels, and archangels. Archangel Raguel is often referred to as the angel of justice and fairness.
Raguel brings peace and harmony to any situation. Through divine intervention he can help resolve conflicts and misunderstandings, when we ask for his assistance.  I call him “the divine mediator”  here to assist us with all of our challenging relationships.
You can call upon Archangel Raguel when you need help with an individual, group of people  or legal matter. Ask him to bring peace and harmony to your relationships or any situation in need of justice.  Ask Archangel Raguel to illuminate the truth behind the conflicts, so that everyone involved may see it from a place of forgiveness and love