
Angels Don’t Have Wings

Did you know that angels don’t have wings. Angels do not have bodies, or faces either. Contrary to popular belief, angels are not the baby cherubs flying naked around heaven as depicted in Christian art, nor are they adorned with suits of armor while fighting off dark forces in the universe.


Angels are benevolent GOD ENERGY.  They are majestic, multi-dimensional, non-gender beings with the sole purpose of helping each one of us with our ascension process.

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SuperBlueBloodMoon – January 31st, 2018

Supermoon/Blue Moon-/Blood Moon/ Total Lunar Eclipse. 

We have an incredible cosmic event occurring on January 31st at 5:37am PST. NASA calls it the SuperBlueBloodMoon. Not since March 1866, (a year after the civil war ended) has North American seen this rare event. This is not any full moon, it is a Supermoon+Blue Moon+Total Lunar Eclipse and that = POWERFUL TRANSFORMATION. 

Full Moons are a time of letting go of emotions that no longer serve us. During a Supermoon our emotions, intuitions, and sensitivities are heightened. This Supermoon calls you to release any negative emotions or fears that hold you back from experiencing new growth and opportunities. Continue reading

10 steps to raise your vibration

I channel a group of angels that I refer to as The White Angels. The White Angels share that the most important lesson they can teach is how to help us raise our vibration. They refer to our vibration as a priceless jewel to be guarded and protected.

“By raising your vibration, you are able to receive all good things from the universe.  Higher vibrations lead to living a longer, happier, more satisfying life.” The White Angels.

10 ways to raise your vibration
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New Moon in Capricorn 


The Capricorn New Moon comes to us on January 16th, at 6:18pm PST. New Moons are a time of planting new seeds and setting new intentions. Traditionally, many of us begin this process during the new year celebration. This auspicious new moon enhances the power behind our new years intentions with universal support.  

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11-Master Your Life

In numerology the number 11 is a master number. It carries a highly spiritual vibration that calls us to master our life.

In their book, Numerology and the Divine Triangle, Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker quote the following, “11 is one of the most difficult vibrations because the demand for high standards is constant…11 is an esoteric master number of spiritual import.”

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Angel of the Month-Archangel Gabriel

That angel of the month of January is beautiful Archangel Gabriel, commonly known as the messenger angel. Gabriel means “God is my strength” or “hero of God.”

Archangel Gabriel is referenced in the New Testament: “And the Angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings” (Luke 1:19).

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2018 =Unity Consciousness

2018 is a universal 2 year in numerology, 2+0+1+8=11 (1+1=2). The number 2 symbolizes peace, cooperation, healing, and unity. The number 11 is a Master Number symbolizing spiritual power, wisdom, and manifestation. It is a highly vibrational number that calls us to “master” our life.

The big lesson in 2018 is opening our hearts to invoke unity consciousness in our lives and the world around us. We must listen and make decisions from our heart in order to create peace and harmony within and without. Continue reading

Dreams do come true!

How many times have you wished upon a falling star or blown out a birthday candle for that one wish that you want more than anything in the world? Has it happened yet?

In order for our wish, dream, desire and goals to manifest we must be in vibrational alignment with the fulfillment of that dream. We cannot just cross our fingers and hope that it comes true. The first step is believing it is possible.

If you believe it is possible, and then take the steps necessary to accomplish the dream, you are well on your way. The White Angels share that we must activate the law of action in order to manifest our dreams and desires. In other words, we must take the first step and then continue to do our best at working for the end results.

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Winter Solstice

Winter solstice on December 21st, is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It marks the official day of winter.

The winter solstice symbolizes the rebirth of the Sun. The Celts believed this time of year was a rebirth, the dying of the old and bringing in the new.

Many of the traditions we celebrate during this time of year have their roots in the winter solstice celebrations practiced by the pagans for thousands of years. These include the Yule log, mistletoe and Christmas trees.

The winter solstice is a time to reflect upon the events of the past year. It is also a time to rest, contemplate and go within. Many animals hibernate during the winter solstice going within Mother Earth for protection and nurturing. We too must nurture ourselves during the week of the Winter Solstice.

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Does the study of happiness exist?

Believe it or not, the study of happiness really exists! Positive psychology is “the scientific study of what makes life most worth living”, or “the scientific study of positive human functioning and flourishing on multiple levels that include the biological, personal, relational, institutional, cultural, and global dimensions of life”.

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