2019 New Year Forecast- Universal 3 Year

2019: 3 Universal year in numerology

Every New Year brings a season of new beginnings. It allows us a re-set button to start again. It is a time to resolve the past so that we do not bring into the New Year the energy of the past. 

2018 taught us lessons that we were either willing to learn or perhaps we ignored. It was a challenging year for many teaching patience and surrender. Many ended the year feeling lost and confused, unsure of what direction to take next. 
 2019 promises to be very different. This is a Universal 3 year in numerology. The energy of this year is Creative, Fun and Joyful! Many of you are sighing with relief as you read this.  Continue reading

New Moon in Capricorn 


The Capricorn New Moon comes to us on January 16th, at 6:18pm PST. New Moons are a time of planting new seeds and setting new intentions. Traditionally, many of us begin this process during the new year celebration. This auspicious new moon enhances the power behind our new years intentions with universal support.  

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