SuperBlueBloodMoon – January 31st, 2018

Supermoon/Blue Moon-/Blood Moon/ Total Lunar Eclipse. 

We have an incredible cosmic event occurring on January 31st at 5:37am PST. NASA calls it the SuperBlueBloodMoon. Not since March 1866, (a year after the civil war ended) has North American seen this rare event. This is not any full moon, it is a Supermoon+Blue Moon+Total Lunar Eclipse and that = POWERFUL TRANSFORMATION. 

Full Moons are a time of letting go of emotions that no longer serve us. During a Supermoon our emotions, intuitions, and sensitivities are heightened. This Supermoon calls you to release any negative emotions or fears that hold you back from experiencing new growth and opportunities.

Release and let God

The blue moon magnifies the need to release any blocks and the total lunar eclipse is the cosmic call do it now! Unlike the full moon energy that lasts from one cycle to the next,  the energy of lunar eclipse will last for the next six months.

This full moon is in the sign of Leo. The lion is proud, bold and ambitious. They have strong and noble hearts with a need for order and harmony. The sun moves into Aquarius on January 20th so this passionate Leo energy is paired with the unique, individual nature of Aquarius.

What all of this means to you is NOW is the time to release and let go of all that no longer serves you…don’t hold back! It is time to speak your truth and be the unique original soul that only you are. It has never been more important to be true to yourself and speak from the heart.

Full Moon Manifestation

Dear Universe,

Help me to release the following (state what you want to release). Receive these emotions, burdens, challenges, and obstacles now. Bless me with strength and trust knowing that all is well in my life in this moment. I now release all that does not serve my greatest and highest good to your loving care.

And so it is. Om Peace Amen


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