2018 =Unity Consciousness

2018 is a universal 2 year in numerology, 2+0+1+8=11 (1+1=2). The number 2 symbolizes peace, cooperation, healing, and unity. The number 11 is a Master Number symbolizing spiritual power, wisdom, and manifestation. It is a highly vibrational number that calls us to “master” our life.

The big lesson in 2018 is opening our hearts to invoke unity consciousness in our lives and the world around us. We must listen and make decisions from our heart in order to create peace and harmony within and without. Continue reading

Dreams do come true!

How many times have you wished upon a falling star or blown out a birthday candle for that one wish that you want more than anything in the world? Has it happened yet?

In order for our wish, dream, desire and goals to manifest we must be in vibrational alignment with the fulfillment of that dream. We cannot just cross our fingers and hope that it comes true. The first step is believing it is possible.

If you believe it is possible, and then take the steps necessary to accomplish the dream, you are well on your way. The White Angels share that we must activate the law of action in order to manifest our dreams and desires. In other words, we must take the first step and then continue to do our best at working for the end results.

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