Archangel Raguel

Archangel RaguelFriend of God” is known as the angel of friendship. He watches over the behavior of the angels, guardian angels, and archangels. Archangel Raguel is often referred to as the angel of justice and fairness.
Raguel brings peace and harmony to any situation. Through divine intervention he can help resolve conflicts and misunderstandings, when we ask for his assistance.  I call him “the divine mediator”  here to assist us with all of our challenging relationships.
You can call upon Archangel Raguel when you need help with an individual, group of people  or legal matter. Ask him to bring peace and harmony to your relationships or any situation in need of justice.  Ask Archangel Raguel to illuminate the truth behind the conflicts, so that everyone involved may see it from a place of forgiveness and love




May Full Moon/Flower Moon 2018

May 29th, 7:20 Am/PST

A full moon occurs when the sun is opposite the Moon. This bright moonlight illuminates you inner desires and passions. It shines a spotlight on your emotions and brings them to the surface for evaluation, reflection and healing. During a full moon our intuition is heigntened allowing us to see and feel the deeper truths in our interior and exterior world.

This full moon is in the sun sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius individuals have a very positive outlook on life. They are generous, free-spirited and fun loving. Because of their strong set of principals and ethics they are attracted to the spiritual, moral and philosophical side of life.  Sagittarius individuals are passionate about traveling and expanding their horizons, meeting new people, and experiencing new adventures. Because of this, they are extremely open minded and non-judgmental. Continue reading

Create Heaven Now

We Create Our Reality

I have been giving much thought to the world around me lately. It doesn’t seem to match up to the world I hear about from others. I don’t read the newspaper or watch the news (something I gave up many years ago). Some might accuse me of living in a bubble, and I say amen to that.

You see, the reality is that we create our own reality.  God has given us the power to create through our thoughts and words. How often do we think of the negative instead of the positive, or say things we  really don’t mean? Continue reading

Full Moon in Scorpio-Pink Moon

Full Moon-April 29, 2018 (5:58 pm PST)

The April Full Moon is commonly referred to as the Pink Moon. This reference is not due to the actual color of the moon, but to the pink phlox, one of the earliest flowers of spring.

Full moons happen every 29 days. They are a time of culmination and closure.  This full moon is in the sun sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is intense, profound and mysterious. Scorpio waters run deep and the energy around this moon will bring up deep emotions and perhaps even hidden secrets  buried deep within the soul. Continue reading

Message from The White Angels-Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters

“Ascended masters are a direct link from God to humankind. They have lived many incarnations and through great discipline and grace have discovered the truths of the universe. All ascended masters are avatars—physical manifestations of God. Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Krishna are all examples of ascended masters.

Ascended masters have focused all of their intention on God for multiple lifetimes and choose to incarnate with the life mission of the teacher. Through their example and words, they are a beacon of light to others.

“Great masters leave behind their energy in the places they walked upon the earth. This is why many follow the footsteps of these divine masters. Great masters also leave behind their energy in their words. This is true for any of the holy scriptures. When one reads these words, ask the divine master to help with clear understanding. Ask that the message be delivered to you as it was intended. This will help eliminate any misinterpretation of the meaning behind their words.

“Ascended masters remain always near to help us along our path. Never hesitate to ask them directly for answers to your questions. No one is too unworthy to access the Divine. It is a law of the universe. Ask and you shall receive.” —The White Angels






March Full Moons

March brings us two full moons. This is the second time this has occurred this year, (January also had a Blue Moon). A Blue Moon is when two full moons occur in a single calendar month. Blue Moons are very auspicious and magnify the energy of the first full moon.

Full moons occur when the sun is opposite the moon. Full moons heighten our sensitivities and emotions, bringing to the surface emotions that no longer serve us, so that we can release and let go.  Continue reading

New Moon in Aquarius-February 15th, 2018

New Moon in Aquarius 1:05pm/PST
The new moon is a time to set new intentions and goals for the new cycle ( 4 weeks). The solar eclipse magnifies the intensity of manifesting these changes to improve your life. This powerful combination of the new moon/solar eclipse event on February 15th, will create new opportunities and ideas along with new ways in which to manifest them (for the next 6 months).   Continue reading

Archangel Uriel


Archangel Uriel, whose name means “God is my light,” is the archangel of peace both for us individually and for our global community. Uriel is God’s illuminator, shinning light on all situations, places, people, and things. He is considered one of the “angels of presence,” or angels that are allowed to enter the presence of God. Continue reading

Love is an inside job

There are many types of love and ways to express it. The love between a parent and child, partners, friendship, even the love we have for our animals are some of the ways we love.

Some say that until you have loved and lost, you have never really known love at all. Unfortunately, most of us love with conditions attached. Most of us have forgotten the true meaning of love.

In his book The Divine Romance Paramahansa Yogananda says the following, “The greatest romance you can have is the romance with God…He is the Lover and our souls are the beloved, and when the soul meets the greater lover of the universe, then the eternal romance begins.”  Continue reading