May Full Moon/Flower Moon 2018

May 29th, 7:20 Am/PST

A full moon occurs when the sun is opposite the Moon. This bright moonlight illuminates you inner desires and passions. It shines a spotlight on your emotions and brings them to the surface for evaluation, reflection and healing. During a full moon our intuition is heigntened allowing us to see and feel the deeper truths in our interior and exterior world.

This full moon is in the sun sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius individuals have a very positive outlook on life. They are generous, free-spirited and fun loving. Because of their strong set of principals and ethics they are attracted to the spiritual, moral and philosophical side of life.  Sagittarius individuals are passionate about traveling and expanding their horizons, meeting new people, and experiencing new adventures. Because of this, they are extremely open minded and non-judgmental. Continue reading

Full Moon in Scorpio-Pink Moon

Full Moon-April 29, 2018 (5:58 pm PST)

The April Full Moon is commonly referred to as the Pink Moon. This reference is not due to the actual color of the moon, but to the pink phlox, one of the earliest flowers of spring.

Full moons happen every 29 days. They are a time of culmination and closure.  This full moon is in the sun sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is intense, profound and mysterious. Scorpio waters run deep and the energy around this moon will bring up deep emotions and perhaps even hidden secrets  buried deep within the soul. Continue reading